Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tangling the cover of my Quo Vadis Habana


JoniB said...

Ooooh! I like! I never even thought of doing the cover. I'll have to do that next.

Did you experience a wee bit of (for lack of a better word) culture shift when you started using white pen on black page? Things don't look the same and the shading stuff looks like crap. Yet, I must continue. Yes. I must.

Okami said...

Yes, it's different doing white on black and forget shading, but I really like the way the white pops.

Phine said...

Beautiful cover!
Did you already draw on a black cover before? Which pens do you prefer – and do they stay permantly???
Most of my touch-up pencils tend to wear away after a while :-/ .

Okami said...

I'm using a Sakura Pen-Touch Marker 0.7 mm extra fine white. This is the first time that I've tangled a cover so I'll have to get back to you on how it holds up.

Phine said...

Thank you for replying. I will stay tuned ;-)!