Sunday, December 11, 2011

30 Days of Drawing #11

This is really more of a test of the Sakura Gelly Roll pens that I wrote about yesterday.  I wanted to see how the colors with gold and silver worked on black paper.  As you can see, they didn't.

On black paper the colors are overwhelmed by the underlying gold or silver, but that's okay because they work very well on white. Like all of the Gelly Roll glittery pens, you really cannot appreciate these in a picture, they are much more sumptuous in person.

Yesterday, Sandra, over at Life Imitates Doodles, shared a link to a site which explained how to make Japanese Paper Flowers so I thought that I would give it a try.

Not sure what I'll do with it yet, but there it is.


Rori said...

<3 the flowers :D How long did it take?

Okami said...

It took several hours to fold and glue together

Sandra Strait said...

Wow, to both the drawings and the flower. I'm attempting to fold one of the petals. I love Origami/Kusudama, but I have just enough arthritis to make it uncomfortable.

I've been looking for things to make molds of, so I may make a petal and then see if I can get a good mold (depends on whether the paper will be stiff enough), and from there make a paperclay version of this flower.

Not as creative, but a good work around for those that don't know how to fold, don't have the time or can't fold for some reason.

mim said...

Nice job on the flowers. Yesterday, I looked at the tutorial and thought, wow, those are cool but I'm not patient enough. And look at the cools ones you've done. Nice!